Currency Exchange

Coast & Country Homes, Lda

Protect your budget when you are buying or selling a property in Portugal


If you are considering buying or selling a property in Portugal, it is important to be aware of the risks associated with currency exchange and to protect your money accordingly.

Nobody can predict currency movements, and in some cases the pound to euro exchange rate can change by 5, 10, and even 20% in a matter of days or weeks. This can add thousands of pounds to the price of the property you are looking to buy, potentially making it unaffordable.

Acting at the right time will ensure you can secure your dream property in Portugal.

Our partner, Smart Currency Exchange, are FCA regulated and offer tailored transfer solutions to protect your property buying budget.

Registering for an account with Smart is easy and completely free, taking just a few minutes over the telephone, with no obligation to trade. Your assigned Personal Trader will find the best solution for you.


What can Smart Currency Exchange offer you?

  • A ‘forward contract’ which locks in the current exchange rate for up to a year
  • A regular payment plan to automate regular overseas payments
  • A spot contract for when money needs to be sent quickly
  • Help with transfers all over the world in over 35 currencies (GBP, EUR, CAD, USA, ZAR, AED, CHF, HKD, SEK, and many more).


Get your free quote today click here
